Make your home safe
Make your pool safe
Guard against the unthinkable.
Make your pool safe with one of our internationally certified pool nets
or pool fences.
Our safety store
Browse the range of child proofing products in our online store and have them delivered to your door.
Make your balcony safe
Safety tips
How many Jackloc window restrictors have we installed on high-rise windows and balcony doors in Abu Dhabi?
Make your windows safe
Make your stairs safe
Installation service
The number of homes, nurseries and schools we have helped to make safe since 2014.
Services for nurseries
Contact us…
About us
‘Safety and Protection for Little Ones’- that’s us in a nutshell.
2001 Our company was founded in 2001 by Lynn under a home business license. Lynn’s main area of operation was supplying safety items for young visitors to UAE, such as car seats, baby cribs and playpens, hence the original name ‘Rentacrib’.
2009 In 2009, Lynn joined with partners to form an LLC company Under the focus of ‘Safety & Protection for Little Ones’ the company further expanded into supplying baby and child safety items such as stair gates, barriers, and domestic child proofing products to residents, and equipment for People of Determination visitors to UAE.
2014 In 2014 two of the partners, Paul and Arshad, acquired an existing company, AquaNet, with which Rentacrib already had relations, and re-crafted it as Amananet FZC.
This allowed them to provide the original AquaNet swimming pool safety net system from South Africa, and the Netzen invisible balcony and stair child safety netting system from Argentina. They named the company Amananet, ‘amana’ from Arabic for ‘safety’ and English ‘net’. Amananet has continued to grow successfully with related safety products such as swimming pool safety fences, and a range of high-quality safety lock and latch systems from Australia, Europe and UK.
2021 In this eventful year for the world, we advanced our plan to amalgamate the two companies, Rentacrib LLC and Amananet FZC, into one Dubai-based company. Rentacrib LLC became Amananet Building Material Trading LLC based out of our office in International City. We expect to continue expanding in this new configuration and maintaining our focus on Baby and Child Safety – Safety and Protection for Little Ones.
Managing Partner
